Friday, September 29, 2006

'First you gotta do the truffle-shuffle'

A classic line from a classic movie...

Topics for this week were:

A special thanks to those who commented this week--I think three seperate commentors in one week is probably a Vent Pipe record. As usual, feel free to discuss any of the above topics through the comment area of this post.

Light posting (if any) over the weekend as I will be limited by time and motivation (how do I know I'll have limited motivation? I just can feel it...)

Apparently some of the bugs with Blogger Beta are worked out, so for the moment I can show video directly in a post... With that said, until next time enjoy Chunk and his famous 'truffle-shuffle' from The Goonies:



At 6:29 AM, Blogger Ek Umeed said...

Thanks, Jeff, for making my comments feel welcome on your blog.

As far as your current posting goes, I have to admit: I too often feel I possess limited time to devote to blogging, especially so during the weekends. I attribute the lethargy to pressures of college life and the need to have fun. Balance, I suppose, is the key word. Oy-ve, but how I do struggle with that sometimes! :p

Anyway, good-luck on the blogging scene, and I will try to drop by whenever I can. As I voiced earlier, you do have a nice blog. ;) Keep it up!


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