Monday, January 30, 2006

"Wouldn't it be Better if She'd Never Existed?"

The Shepherd University Republicans are finally up and going. It has been a long time (maybe never?) since Shepherd had a strong Republican organization on campus, but the current group seems to be on its way up.
One of the founders of this group, a lovely young woman, was some how engaged in a conversation with the president of the Shepherd University Liberal Women's Association (LWA) (yes the same group which I criticized for allowing their speaker to say "freedom doesn't matter without abortion" back in October) which led to her coming to speak at our meeting about her group, why she identifies herself as a liberal and how the republican party makes her feel "as a woman." She explained that she'd be bringing a friend for support and that she wouldn't take much time. However, upon arrival (with her 8-10 other liberal friends) we found out that she would not, indeed, limit herself to only discussing the organization; she was going to explain to us why any logical person must be pro-choice. To me, this was not surprising as I have said before that abortion is the only issue liberal women's groups advocate.
The LWA leader explained that there are three reasons for which she "must" support free choice. I shall quote her as accurately as possible (though it will look like I made her statements up as they are so shocking). Pretend she is speaking...

Three Reasons to Be Pro-Choice
  1. "Abortion isn't just about women's rights, it's about children's rights, too." I worked with a 5 year old girl, whom we shall call Lexa. Lexa was abandoned by her mother at her grandmother's trailer when she was 3 or 4. She was forced to eat nothing but hot dogs, because her grandmother was poor and had little money. She also had to walk for nearly 1 mile to and from school through the holler and in front of other trailers, run down houses and filth. Isn't it sad that her mommy didn't have an abortion? Wouldn't Lexa have been better of to just not exist?
  2. "There are no women making these decisions." I want to know that there are going to be women involved. The thought of men making these decisions for women through America is hard to accept--we need women to be involved in these decisions.
  3. "Abortion needs to be legal because if its outlawed it's going to happen anyway." It would be better for an abortion to be committed in a clean, sterile, safe environment like a hospital than in a dark ally with a rusty coat hanger. The thought that a fellow woman would have to jam a rusted coat hanger into her vagina and possibly injure herself is a violation of basic human rights.

These are the worst arguments in favor of abortion that I have ever seen. Her presentation lasted a grand total of possibly 15 minutes. The response (and then the response to the response, and then the response to the response of the response and so on) lasted an hour and 20 minutes. My fellow republicans did a heck of a job responding to her. They (we) explained that she was absurd in her...(as I write this I'm listening to Sean Hannity interview Anne Coulter. She says that the only thing the democrats care about is abortion)...

I don't think I need to explain why these comments are so absurd... but I will address them briefly.

In regards to statement number 1 ("abortion is about children's rights") I have to say a few things. In our 'debate,' the question came up of where Lexa is now. LWA Rep. did not know. The child had moved away to get out of the holler. Next, somebody asked LWA if she had asked Lexa if she'd rather live or cease to exist--her answer? "No, of course not." At this point, I had to interject pointing out that, "That is the point of a pro-life stance. You, miss, do not ask--you just assume you know. You didn't ask Lexa if she'd like to be wiped of the planet. Doctors and mothers-to-be don't ask children if they'd like to live and be allowed to develop and be born, you just jab them in the head and kill them. You never ask." Her response? "Well, that goes to the question of what is a human. To me, life starts when the cord is cut. Until then, the fetus is part of the mother's body, not a separate entity which we might call human." Well there you have it. The little person is just a fetus, so it's ok to murder 'it.'

Questions two and three are beyond the realm of human logic. No women making these decisions? I guess there may have been if the National Organization of Women (NOW) hadn't so viciously opposed Harriet Miers. What about the 13 female senators in the United States Senate? I guess Olympia Snowe, the so called republican, doesn't count. What about Barbara Mikulski, Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, Patty Murray, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Mary Landrieu, Susan Collins, Blanche Lincoln, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Deborah Stabenow, Maria E. Cantwell, Lisa Murkowski, or Elizabeth Dole? How about the 46 female representatives in the House? Or our very own Shelly Moore-Capito? I guess they don't count. In regards to the coat hanger, "it's going to happen anyway" is one of those arguments that kills me. "Illegal drugs happen, so why not just legalize it." Because its harmful, immoral and decays the fiber of our society, that's why. We do not give legitimacy or legalality to something just because it would be more convenient. That's just sad.

The bottom line is that abortion is murder. That's a fact. It's not an opinion. It's not a political stance. It's a fact. People like the President of sues LWA are scary and dangerous to our society. We have to stand up to ignorant people like her.


At 6:43 PM, Blogger Christina Dunigan said...

This chick and her friends also ignore the reality of how abortion is actually practiced. It's not a matter of women who would have chosen abortion anyway just being able to get it done safely and legally. It's a matter of women being frightened, browbeaten, and trapped into unwanted abortions that they'd never have considered, much less undergone, had abortion not been legal.

At 1:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why on earth would you want to do away with abortion?
Wow, just wow...I can't describe the sickening filling in my stomach you've just created for me. Open your eyes, look around you. It IS a matter of children's rights. It IS a matter of health and safety for women. And it IS a matter of what people decide is right for THEM to do with THEIR own bodies.

At 1:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And a matter of being frightened and beaten?? It can be safely done in a doctor's office, or easily enough by popping a pill down your throat.
Those actions are probably a little bit easier to deal with than winded up pregnant, scared, and alone, with a child you never wanted in the first place.

At 4:50 PM, Blogger Jeff said...


The sick feeling in your stomach does not come from my column, it comes from the guilt you have for supporting something that allows terminating human life.

Chilren's rights are not protected by abortion, they are ignored. Does the child not have the right to "life, liberty and the persuit of happines?"
Abortion is not about protecting women's health, it is about letting people (both women who have abortions and men who encourage them) rejecting their responsibility because a child would be inconvenient.
If a woman does NOT want a child there is an easy solution--do not have sex!

At 10:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No sex? I'd love to see you walk onto a college campus or into a high school and announce that Everyone Must Stop having sex! You'll be laughed at. That's your cure? The wondrous end to unwanted pregnancies is to just...stop having sex? That's a little unrealistic to expect of people...

And I'd rather see a pregnancy terminated before that thing inside a woman's body even qualifies as a life than witness young children suffering from abuse or neglect. You agree with bringing more unwanted children into this world? Why don't you deal with the millions that are currently in foster care and who have nowhere to live because their parents didn't know how to deal with them? Get to know these kids, they're the future of this world, and they're bouncing from home to home, living on the streets, because someone chose to bring them into a world and didn't feel like raising them.

I'm sorry, but Your No-Sex Plan isn't exactly working.

At 10:43 PM, Blogger Jeff said...

The "no-sex plan" doesn't work because people say, "don't have sex, but if you're going to, use protection." There is not, "don't but if..."

Beyond that, who are you to decide "what qualifies as human life?"

If you're a Christian, then you know that God says, "before I formed you, I knew you." That qualifies the baby as a human as soon as the child is formed.

As far as the 'millions in foster homes' are concerned, I would like you to ask them if they would A) like to continue living their lives with the hope of a better tomorrow or B) have a needle jammed in their heads, their brains sucked out and their bodies thrown away. Chances are, they will be choice A. I mean that's just my guess...

Oh, and by the way, "my don't have sex plan" is working--i practice abstinence and my girlfriend and I have no children.

At 10:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not a christian, so i guess that's why i don't buy into any of this nonsense. I look for facts, not something "God" said to someone in a book.

But i am glad you don't have children.

At 11:01 PM, Blogger Jeff said...

This will be my last response to you on this issue...

I suppose that Faith in God is the difference between us--I follow God who gives me love and hope and faith that through Him I can do great things and I believe that in the end I will be responsible and accountable for my actions here on this earth. You believe that you are the end all and be all of the universe and as such you have the right to take human life as you see fit. But i suppose that's your choice...

At 9:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not a practicing Christian at the moment, and yet I do not support abortion. The only - only time I find anything like that acceptable is when the child (notice I referred to it as a child) would kill the mother and die itself. Rare, but it happens.

I'm a little upset that I missed this meeting, it sounds priceless.

Also, I understand your feeling of the idea that there can be no "no sex without..." however, I feel that sex is going to happen, so the best we can do is hope for no sex without responsibility. Whatever happened to the days where when people got pregnant, they got married? I'm not saying that's right, but in my mind and heart, I find a family, however much strained, to be better than no family whatsoever, life better than no life, a child better than a dead fetus...

I think the idea here is the lack of responsibility. Oops, I messed up, it's my fault, I better take it out on the child growing inside me. If you think about it, you could even look at it as a severe form of child abuse, and certainly not for children's rights.


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